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Enhancement: Edit in primary git branch in IDE

You can now edit, format, or lint files and execute dbt commands directly in your primary git branch in the dbt Cloud IDE. This enhancement is available across various repositories, including native integrations, imported git URLs, and managed repos.

The primary branch of the connected git repo has traditionally been read-only in the IDE. This update changes the branch to protected and allows direct edits. When a commit is made, dbt Cloud will prompt you to create a new branch. dbt Cloud will pre-populate the new branch name with the GIT_USERNAME-patch-#; however, you can edit the field with a custom branch name.

Previously, the primary branch was displayed as read-only, but now the branch is displayed with a lock icon to indentify it as protected:

Previous read-only experiencePrevious read-only experience
New protected experienceNew protected experience

When you make a commit while on the primary branch, a modal window will open prompting you to create a new branch and enter a commit message:

Create new branch windowCreate new branch window